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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

TMJT: The Master Of Mystery (Part 1)

Hey guys ;-)

I’m currently reading “The Michael Jackson Tapes”, and there was this chapter, which I thought was really interesting. I mean, they all are, but this one caught my attention, cause Michael talked about mystery. Mystery, and timing. I think it’s interesting, cause of the hoax. Like we all know, timing is an important thing in the hoax. Like the burial, memorial, release date of “This Is It” etc. The chapter is kinda long, so I’m gonna split the post in 2 parts, so you won’t get too tired reading it. I know it’s not fun, and boring if you have to read long articles at once. So, here is the first part. Let me know what you think of it. Do you, like me, think it’s interesting? Does it also remind you of the hoax a little? And like in the post about the cards, I highlighted the things that caught my attention the most, and what's between parenthesis are my thoughts. SB stands for Shmuley Boteach, and MJ, like you all know, for Michael Jackson.

Part 1:

What was undeniable about Michael was that he rose to the very top of his profession worldwide. One of the most important ingredients in his remaining at the top was his intuitive understanding of the power of mystery. It was a subject I wanted to get into deeply with him.

SB: Alright, I want to speak about something with you which is crucial to this book. Of all the things I’ve seen about you, I have to tell you, I have never seen anyone who understands the power of mystery the way you do. In other words, in the Jewish religion the use of mystery is very important. The prophet Isaiah says that angels, the Seraphim, have six wings. Why six? Well, “With two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew” (Isaiah 6:02). Isn’t that amazing? The angels are so modest, so mysterious, that they use their wings to cover up.

MJ: That’s beautiful.

SB: I’ve written about this extensively in my books, Michael. Mystery is one of the principal ingredients that I prescribe for relationships. The holy is always mysterious. It’s always covered. And the Torah scroll, the Bible scroll that we read from in the synagogue is kept covered and hidden away by multiple layers, in the ark, concealed by curtains, veils, and doors. It’s like three things you need to take away in order to see it. And similarly when Rebecca and Isaac meet in the Bible, before they get married and fall in love, the first thing that Rebecca does upon encountering Isaac is to cover her face. The same thing is true when Moses sees the burning bush. What’s the first thing he does? He turns away and hides his face from seeing God.

(God and everything that  has to do with religions and symbols is mysterious to a lot of people. Curtains have been a part of the hoax. Several arks appear on the "Dangerous" cover, and Michael said he loves pillars and arks and all those kinda things. Doors. In this chapter, he talks of choosing between doors, and in the "Hold My Hand" video, there's this person dressed like Michael, with the Billie Jean outfit, that's in front of doors, and he looks at them, to finally choose one.)

MJ: I love those stories.

SB: So in the Bible mystery is very important. I’ve never seen anyone who understands the power of mystery like you. I’ll give you some examples and I want you to comment on them. Number one, my kids are walking around in Neverland. There’s candy everywhere. My kids love it because they’ve never seen this, there’s popcorn machines and there’s snow cone machines, and as long as stuff is kosher, they’re eating this and eating that. And although Prince and Paris are surrounded by all this stuff, you say to them, “No, only on your birthday you can have this.” Grace told us they aren’t allowed to use the swings and all that so that they don’t get bored of it. And whenever we got to FAO Schwartz, Prince can buy toys but he has to wait to open them. And especially when it comes to your career, you’ve understood the power of being hidden. Like now, I look at all these new acts, even ‘N Sync and even Britney Spears (whom Michael and I just met in his hotel room), and I was watching them on “Entertainment Tonight” and they did an interview and I said, “My gosh are they short-sighted. You should do what Michael does. Never be ubiquitous.” But they can’t because they so badly need the attention, they can’t hold back.

I had learned this from Michael. We were once in his hotel room and Britney popped up on TV doing an interview. Michael commented to me that she was everywhere and it was going to hurt her career. “I would never do what she’s doing. In a few years no one will want to hear her anymore. She knows nothing about mystery.” And this was years before here crotch-displaying antics.

SB: So there are two things I want to ask you. Talk to me about mystery and what it means to you and how did you get the discipline to hold back when you know that every TV show wants you? I mean, gosh, we’re being pounced by every single show in America right now to get an interview with you. How do you, where does that discipline come from? Especially Michael, this is important to comment on, because people, your detractors will criticize you and say, “Michael’s a child, he behaves like a child” when really the only definition of maturity that everyone agrees on, is that maturity involves a capacity for delayed gratification. When other people act impetuously, and you can be patient and wait for things in their proper time, that’s considered the essence of maturity and self-control.

MJ: Thank you.

SB: And your career is built on that and I’m not just saying that to flatter you. It’s true, I’m amazed at it. So talk to me about mystery. How do you know this, where did it come to you, the power of that which is concealed?

MJ: Wow, you’re so observant. It’s amazing how you notice details. Um, I studied… I love psychology, I love magic, I love… I love real beauty. I love real talent. I love when something’s miraculous, when something’s so beautiful you shouldn’t get it. What I love about Halley’s comet, and I always say this to my lawyer, Halley’s comet is no more of a miracle than the moon or the sun. But we make a big deal about it because you see it once in a lifetime and everybody’s out there to see it. You know astronomers and fans and people and it’s this thing that circles around the solar system but you see it once in a lifetime. If it happened every night nobody would care, but to me the moon is just as miraculous. I always talk about deer and dogs and cats. A lot of people go, “There’s a deer! There’s a…” cause they’re shy, they’re always hidden. It’s a big deal to see a deer, I mean, and I appreciate that, how people should appreciate real ability and I always say I don’t care if you’re the most talented person in the world, if you come on the television everyday people will regurgitate you. You have to know how to play your audience. You have to know that, and it’s true, Shmuley. And it’s not just a game. But it’s real for me, it’s real for me. It really is.

(Psychology, magic, real beauty, real talent, real ability. We all know Michael loves magic and illusions. He always wanted the world to respect him for his talent, but the press kept making up all those crazy stories about him, and the world lost respect for him, so they didn't see his talent anymore. Instead, they saw all the lies that to the world became truths. Yes, he definitely has to play the audience, specially now. The way we respond to the clues, the way Michael will make his next move. It's for sure not a game to him! He had to fake his death, cause he saw no other way out. It's real for him. It's necessary.)

SB: How do you know that? For example, I had to be taught this. I write about this a lot in my books but I began to develop a lot of my ideas on it from insights from other writers, thinkers, philosophers, etcetera.

MJ: (if you remain mysterious, people will be) more interested, yeah.

SB: Look if a woman is always taking off her top, no one’s going to want to see her breasts.

MJ: That’s right.

SB: But if she does it once in a while, that’s what makes it so exciting. That’s what makes it erotic.

MJ: That’s right.

SB: But when it’s, everyday…

MJ: That’s right.

SB: Like when you go to the African tribes and women walk topless, it’s nothing.

MJ: Nothing, nothing. Leave something to the imagination. I believe in that all people are all…

SB: Did someone teach you that?

MJ: No. no, it just, looking at… learning from nature and learning you know, just watching and studying, being a serious observer. And umm, you can say to somebody, you can go, “There’s six doors, you can open any of those doors. But the fifth door, don’t open it. Don’t open the fifth door, no matter what.” Of course everybody is going, “What’s behind door number five?” because it’s the great mystery. And that’s, everyone wants to expose door number five because you know… And I love that and it’s not like a game but I want people to appreciate talent and ability. I only do an album every five years. Other artists do an album every year and my albums outlast and outsell all the other artists. And people wait for it. There’s like, you know, a whole pulse going on about this album. (Michael was working on completing invincible at the time.) It’s like fever, they’re waiting, they’re waiting. It’s important to wait.

(Michael always paid attention to details. He's a perfectionist. An observer. And it's definitely important to wait in the hoax. There's nothing else we can do. We have to wait for the clues to come, we have to wait til we see what the clues mean, and how it fits with what we've seen so far, and, the most important thing, we have to wait for his comeback.)

SB: So what is it about the hidden which makes it outlast the revealed? What is it about holding something back that people want it suddenly?

MJ: I just, I love, I do love the power of mystery, I really do. I think it’s very powerful.

SB: Is it spiritual? What is it?

MJ: It’s spiritual, it’s, it’s people conjure up all these ideas, people create it themselves. They conjure up all these ideas in their head about what’s going on. I mean they used to say, you know, Howard Hughes is up there and he owns the hotel but he stays on that floor, he doesn’t come down. He’s in the dark, he’s in the corner in the bed with long nails and hair down to here and he’s hooked to an IV. So the brain would just go crazy conjuring up all kinds of crazy stories, and I love that. I love Howard Hughes cause he played this big thing. I mean, to me he’s like one of my masters. But, I don’t know, this is the first time I’ve ever said this Shmuley, I love Howard, he’s a genius. 

SB: Because what? Because he knew the power of mystery?

MJ: How to play people, yeah. He knew how to make the public interested. P.T. Barnum was pretty good at it himself.

SB: Is it a matter of just withdrawing? Is it that simple? For example, this book came along called “The Rules”, and I debated the people who wrote it twice. And they said the way you get a guy to marry you is by playing hard to get. He calls you up and you say, “Sorry, I’d love to go out to dinner but I’m too busy.” He leaves messages on your answering machine and you never return his phone calls. You hear of the book? It’s a very controversial book. Is it that simple? I am actually a critic of “The Rules”, believing that manipulation is the worst approach to relationships and that there is a far better alternative, namely, for a woman to indulge her natural feminine mystique.

MJ: I don’t, I don’t totally agree. It depends on the individual.

SB: But with you, when you say it’s become about playing the public, is it as simple as withdrawal and they want more? And more ways how to reveal yourself?

MJ: It’s rhythm and timing. You have to know what you’re doing. Like you never see me on award shows saying, “The nominees are…” and I get asked to do every show. Now they don’t even  ask. They know I don’t do it. Or to host the show or to come out and say like, “Coming up next, Michael Jackson to present the record of the year.” You never see me coming out and doing the nominees. I don’t do it. They know not even ask me. It’s not what I do.

SB: You will never do something which makes you be the means to another end. You’re either the end or you’re not. It’s either about you or you’re not going to be the road.

MJ: Yeah, and I’m not trying to say that I’m holy or god or…

SB: But you’re not going to belittle yourself either.

MJ: I’m not going to, I want… you know? People should respect, you know? Ability and talent, and it’s all for the sake of goodness, really cause my message is for goodness. 

SB: I agree with you.

MJ: But really. I’m just trying to conserve and preserve…

End of part 1 ;-)  What do you think of it so far?

TMJT: The Master Of Mystery (Part 2)

Part 2:

SB: This, by the way, is a whole book unto itself, how you have learned the power of the hidden, of the mysterious. Look out there in New York. Right now as we speak there are hundreds of thousands of woman who want to get married and guys won’t commit to them. And do you know one of the main reasons is because they’ll have sex with them anyway.

Years later I authored a book called “The Kosher Sutra”, which outlined all the erotic principles of attraction, with mystery, forbiddenness, and sinfulness being at the forefront. The book became a best-seller.

MJ: Uh huh.

SB: Why would you marry her if you could have her without the commitment? If you wanted to borrow ten million dollars from the bank manager, and he says, “Here Michael, here’s ten million dollars,” would you then say, “Oh, by the way, you forgot to ask me for collateral. Here it is”? you wouldn’t volunteer it. So, you understand what I’m saying? And they might never get married and these women come in their hundreds to me, crying, writing about how lonely they are. They don’t know the power of mystery. They go to bed on the first date; they don’t know how to hold back. He never has to win them over. And by the way, that’s what happened to Madonna. Madonna overexposed herself. She’s still a celebrity but she’s not what she was.

MJ: Yeah, I know.

SB: She didn’t even overexpose herself, Michael, through TV and music. It wasn’t that she gave too many interviews. Rather, she overexposed her body. She was a sex symbol. People wanted to know what her body looked like, and she did that stupid, sleazy, disgusting book, and all you had to do was buy that book. The mystery was permanently gone.

MJ: I know, I know. Exactly right.

SB: There are a few people today who understand the power of mystery. You understand it because there is an intuitive spiritually to your nature that is a real gift. Because this understanding of mystery, and your understanding of the power of timing, helps us understand the holy. God only reveals very sporadically and at very choice moments. Mystery and timing are central to revelation.

(Like I said in the post about the cards, I think Michael is a spiritual man, and I think this chapter of the book kinda confirms it. Choice moments. Michael decides when to show us the clues, and when to come back. Mystery and timing are central to revelation. Exactly, after all the riddles we've been solving, and after Michael feeling that it's the right time to come back, he'll reveal himself, and tell the world what he did, and why he did the hoax. And it's interesting Michael said "That's one of my favorite things to think about too.") He likes to think about mystery, timing, revelation, the hidden and spirituality.

MJ: I love that. That’s one of my favorite things to think about too.

SB: How hidden god is.

MJ: How hidden.

SB: You’ve got to find him.

MJ: You see all this miracles through him but you don’t see his face, himself, you know? You see through the children.

SB: Which makes you more interested in him?

MJ: Yeah.

SB: You want to find him?

MJ: Makes you want to seek him out and find him. Absolutely. I love that. And some people just throw up their hands and go, “What is this all about, this whole universe and where is he? I want to talk to him and what is it?” you know I love that. He’s the ultimate. He is. He’s the man.

SB: So this is how we stop people from being bored. First of all one more thing before we move on to boredom. So you instinctively knew timing, mystery? You just knew?

MJ: Yeah, it’s true, Shmuley.

SB: It’s not like a manager pulled you aside and said, “Michael. You can be a big star. Don’t overdo it.”?

MJ: No. no way.

SB: Did your brothers not understand it?

MJ: No, they don’t understand it. They would jump on anything, any second. If anybody said, “I want to interview you tomorrow about Michael’s new style of dress, “Sure.” Cause they just want to be on TV, to be on TV. I think people appreciate you much more when you, you know conserve, just hold… you know.

SB: Hold back?

MJ: Hold back and build yourself and give yourself a certain kind of class and make them reach out for you and just… I love gates, gates to a house. I love huge big pillars and gates. You don’t know what’s back there beyond the road. You just see these… you know, you go, “God who lives in there?” I love that. You know, you never see them but you see the gates and I love that.

SB: But the gates to Neverland are so simple?

MJ: So simple, that’s how I wanted them. Because I don’t want the gate to represent, you know, it’s an act of almost psychology. I was gonna make them so, kind of, almost… what’s the word? Umm, I can’t think of the word I’m looking for. I was gonna have people swing them open and really kind of have them funky and tattered, just so psychologically you really feel like you’re coming to a ranch, so that when you go around the bend I want it to change to Technicolor, like the Wizard of Oz does in black and white.

(Remember the Yellow Brick Road in the movie. Remember Michael's musical of it. Remember the Yellow Brick Road in the "Hollywood Tonight" single cover.)

SB: That’s exactly what happened with us. First thing we said when we got to Neverland was, “This can’t be his ranch, what are those simple doors?” then you drive through and you see the sign, “Welcome to Neverland” and then, kaboom.

MJ: Yeah.

SB: It just hits you.
MJ: That, see, that’s important to understand in show business. If you open with too much of a bang, where do you go from there? Your crescendo too big, you have nowhere to go. You can’t do that. That’s why I always say, in amusement parks, the guy who creates the roller coaster, the dips, you’re going up at first, way up and you go, “Oh my god, why did I do this?” then it takes you straight down and it takes you up a little bit, then down, and he’s the real showman, the guy who creates the dips. You know the peaks and the valleys, then he takes you straight real fast and up and upside down. He’s a showman. That guy’s a real showman because he understands syncopation and rhythm and structure and that’s important. That’s real important as an artist of show business and most of your artists today know nothing about it.

SB: They all overexpose themselves.

MJ: At all. At all.

SB: Is that your professional greatest blessing, that you were born with that rhythm? You just had that natural timing and you understood it?

MJ: Yeah, yeah. I think

SB: Is it part of your love for God and his hiddenness and all that, that it’s all one, that you sort of tapped into that divine mystery and you know the power of mystery?

MJ: Yeah, I think, yeah, like you say, it’s just something… like the way you speak. That’s the power of God in you Shmuley. You do, I’ve never heard anybody speak like you, it’s amazing. It’s like God is working right through you. I mean it’s like that, when I’m on stage it’s the same way. I don’t think about what I’m gonna do, I don’t know what I’m gonna do.

SB: You just get into the zone, the timing.

MJ: You get into it, man. You become one with what god gave you. It’s like talking, it’s spiritual. It’s between you and God and the audience is right there with you. How do you describe it, I mean, how do you dissect it, how do you analyze it? You really can’t. People say how do you do it? “Well I work out and I train.” Well, you don’t.

So, this was it. What do you think?? Anything interesting you noticed?

With love,

~♥~ Susie ~♥~

Monday, May 23, 2011

Don't Give Up

Hey sweeties :-)

There’s this one person on twitter, who always tweets beautiful things, and yesterday, she said that the beLIEvers are starting to give up, and that they’re tired, so I wanted to help, and that’s why I’m writing this. I wanna cheer you up, and remind you why you shouldn’t give up on the hoax. I hope, that after reading this, you’ll feel better again, and your faith and hope will be stronger :-)

I know, I know it’s hard sometimes to keep believing and hoping for a comeback. I’ve been there too. There was a time, when I had to leave the hoax for a few days, cause I was tired of all the hopes, the illusions of a comeback, to then be disappointed and sad. All the fake MJ’s on twitter and other social networks playing with our feelings etc. I saw a lot of good friends be down and sad. There are some of them, who stopped tweeting for almost a year now, and some of them even deleted their accounts. Some of them were my best friends on twitter, and I haven’t heard from them ever since sadly enough. It breaks my heart when I see beLIEvers down like that. It really does. No one said this was gonna be easy, but please don’t give up! I really believe, that if you think Michael is alive, it’s cause you feel it in your heart, and you know the heart never lies. The heart is the place where the truth lies, whether we wanna accept it or not. Whether we realize it or not. Remember this lyrics from “Is It Scary”? “Can the heart reveal the proof , like a mirror reveals the truth?” My answer to that is yes, definitely yes! 

Do you remember how you became beLIEvers? I remember it like it was yesterday. The day I found out Michael “died” I was looking in my closet, to see what I was gonna wear that day, cause I was heading out to the bank, and all of suddenly, my sister walked in the room, with this serious face, and she said “I think you wanna see this” and she turned on the TV. There it was, “Michael Jackson, the king of pop, died at 50 by a cardiac arrest.” I couldn’t believe it, I really couldn’t. I thought it was another bad joke about Michael (sadly enough, we’ve seen WAY too many of those) and I was like “omg, when are they gonna stop?” but then I saw the images of the helicopter, the fans outside UCLA, Jermaine’s statement etc. and I just broke down and cried. I REALLY couldn’t believe it! I was like “no way, Michael couldn’t have died so young, and NOT like that!” It was for a few weeks on TV in every show and at every hour like you all know.  I looked on the net, read so many magazines etc. I needed to find out what really happened that day. And they showed this video on TV a few days after his “passing”, saying that Michael might be alive, and that he faked his dead. It was that video where he came out the ambulance after being declared dead. (You know which one it is) And I was SO happy! I didn’t care he faked his death, I was HAPPY to know he was alive. You can’t see his face in that video, but that was more than enough for me, cause that person looked like Michael. And I said “I knew it!” I knew that things weren’t right, and that it couldn’t be true, no matter what I had seen on TV. Later, it turned out to be a fake video made by the German television, but by the time I found that out, I had seen the other clues about the helicopter, the 911 call etc. I was a beLIEver!

If there are non-believers or doubters reading this, you probably wonder, “if that video was fake, how can you know the one from the helicopter and the 911 call info isn’t fake too? How do you know it wasn't also made by the media to prove how easily people can be fooled with hoax theories?” Well, the video of the helicopter was being showed worldwide by EVERY news channel, cause it was Michael's "body" in there and the 911 call was also real. After I saw that video, I started to investigate on the net. You know, YouTube videos, Twitter, Facebook etc. Nothing could convince me that Michael was dead. The memorial was approaching, and there was this crazy thing, to WIN tickets, to get inside the building... Excuse me, WIN tickets? What was this, a memorial of a dear family member that just died, or some kind of contest?! I was like what the hell? What’s wrong with this family? (You know, after seeing Joe laughing his ass off in front of Michael’s house the day after he "died", Latoya going shopping etc.) And the memorial day came. I saw that things didn’t match up. I thought it was so weird that the coffin wasn’t open, the pictures on the big screen caught my attention, specially the one from the “Liberian girl” girl video, where Michael directs the whole video behind the scenes, with no one knowing. The symbols, the family’s behavior, ALL those flowers! (too much in my opinion. Later we found out the flowers were also hidden clues.) And the fact the “memorial” became a concert! All those things weren’t normal at all for a family who just lost their son, brother, uncle, father etc. And that was it, the point of no return. I became a firm beLIEver til today. As time passed by, new clues came out, and I was so excited about all this. I thought Michael was a damn genius! Seriously, the way he’s doing things, it’s just… wow! I’d really like to write everything we’ve been finding, but it’s way TOO much!

In this almost 2 years, I’ve learned SO much! Michael opened my eyes in so many ways, I just can’t explain, and I’ll always be grateful to him for that. I’m also thankful to him, cause I’ve met amazing people through this journey! (Anyway, like I was saying lol) I’m still a beLIEver, cause I’ve seen way too many things that will never change my mind. Not even Jermaine’s tweets! Guys, don’t give up now. Go back to basics if you need to beLIEve again. Don’t tell me it’s all in our heads. Don’t tell me we are all crazy, cause then I’ll call YOU crazy lol. No but seriously, there’s no reason for you to doubt the hoax. There are more things proving us right than wrong. The non-believers say he’s dead, cause of what I said in my first post. Cause they’ve seen a CLOSED coffin that could be empty, cause they saw Paris, (a girl who wants to be an actress, and has a dad who’s an actor, an aunt who’s an actress, and an uncle who’s very dramatic ) “crying” (even tho I still wonder where the hell her tears were, and how they dried SO fast!), cause the media said it (media=liars! If not, just look at all the things they’ve made up about Michael), and cause Jermaine, a family member NOT a DOCTOR, (which should’ve been the case normally) announced it. I’m sorry, but THAT doesn’t convince me. They're based on proofs that aren't solid. (And now that's where they say our proofs aren't solid either -___-') We, in the opposite, have seen nothing but clues, unanswered questions, and things that don’t add up. And it’s not just one thing, there are a LOT of things! So WHY stop believing? After everything we’ve discovered, after this long, hard, but exciting journey, give up now? Now the end is getting nearer?! No way!

Sweeties, Michael needs us, and you know it. So PLEASE, don’t turn your back on him now! If you need to take a break, do it, but DON'T make it an eternal one. And don’t be disappointed if nothing happens today, or in July. Remember, the expire date for Bamsday, is December 2012. And NO, I’m NOT saying we’ll have to wait til then to see Michael again, I’m just saying to keep that in mind, if nothing happens. To NOT give up just cause his autograph says “See you in July 2011”, and then nothing might happen. Remember there’s still a trial, so Michael’s Bamsday might be in September. Who knows? No one but Michael I think. Or maybe, just maybe, the ones who are helping Michael with this.

So, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna give up, or are you gonna stick with Michael til the end? I know I WILL be there when the time is right. Michael said himself “let me breathe in my own time and then I come back in” Respect his absence, without giving up ;-) And if you doubt about a Bamsday, then I gotta confess, that I REALLY believe he’s gonna come back. I mean, what’s the point of doing such a great job, to awake us, if he’s not gonna come back to explain things? Where will his so desired justice go? Exactly, he’s gonna come back. He promised! I’m not like those fans that will be extremely pissed off cause he faked his death, and cause of the tears they shed. If you’re a TRUE fan, you will UNDERSTAND WHY he did this. And once you do, you’ll be thankful to him. And you’ll admire him even more. My reaction when I found out he was alive, was nothing but positive. No hard feelings at all! I was THANKFUL for having an open mind to see this. I am HAPPY Michael's messages really got through to me during all these years I've been his fan. The media can't control my mind, I'm aware of so many things, I understand his messages of love, justice and everything else he's taught us, and I'm totally amazed by him.

Remember this pic?  There are so many similarities between V and Michael. But I love the message of this picture. We need to stick together, and have faith. Comfort each other when we're feeling down, give a helping hand, be kind. Remember we're Michael's army of L.O.V.E.!! Michael counts on us, and we owe him! For everything he has done, is doing, and will do for us! I'm 100% sure he's watching us, and I want him to be PROUD of us! He, more than anyone, deserves all the good things in life, and the least we can do, is show him our unconditional love and support :-) I really believe, that every beLIEver is a special person. I do, cause we can see things others can't. We have an open mind, we understand things. We don't doubt Michael and his messages. We have understanding, and we support him, and each other. I see everyday in my TL on twitter the sweetest tweets from amazing people. I'm telling you, the ones I've met so far, are simply amazing! YOU are special! And I think Michael knew it too, that's why he was able to do this. He knew we would understand, and support him :-)

I hope I helped you a little. I hope your faith is stronger after reading this, cause that’s the only thing I want. If I can help at least one person, then I’ll be happy. Don't listen to other people's opinions. If they wanna call you crazy, let them. Maybe they're just jealous cause they wanna understand the hoax like we do, but they don't. Maybe they're jealous cause of our connection with Michael, something that they're clearly missing. Maybe they wanna have an open mind like us, but don't even know how to begin seeing the things we see. But who can blame them tho? After all the lies the media has told during our whole lives, it's hard to all of suddenly see the REAL truth. It's just easier for some people to ignore it, and agree with everybody's else opinions. Never be afraid to speak your mind! They need guidance, and maybe we can help them. But remember, don't let anyone doubt yourself, or what you believe in. Follow your intuition, follow your heart, and everything will be ok :-)

With love,

~♥~ Susie ~♥~

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Hoax, And The Cards

I know a lot of you will be a little skeptic about this post, but I hope you'll like it anyway. Some of you might, or might not believe, that there are people out there, with a 6th sense. I know my 6th sense is a little stronger than of most people. So I’m just gonna give you some examples of things that happen to me. 

Sometimes I have a good or a bad feeling about something, and when I ignore it, what I felt, was the right feeling. When a friendship, for example, is about to end, even tho everything's perfect, I know it will end. Sometimes, I have dreams that come true. One of the worse I had, was one, that told me my best friend was gonna die soon. I didn’t want to believe it, I thought that dreams could just be dreams, and that I shouldn’t look for a meaning… 10 days later, her sister called me, telling me she died. You can imagine my reaction... I had dreams that felt SO real I woke up, with my heart beating fast. In these kinda dreams, I get like "messages", and while I’m dreaming them, I’m aware of everything. That means that I’m sleeping, having that dream, but at the same time, I’m awake, knowing that, and that I’m dreaming. It’s not easy to explain what I feel, but I hope somehow you understand what I’m trying to say. I barely have those kinda dreams, thank god, cause they're scary! lol. 

When I see someone, and I look into their eyes, I can see what kinda person they are. I can see if they're good or bad people, if they suffered in their lives or not, if they're afraid or insecure about something, what they're feeling at that moment, and I even feel the pain of a person. Not only what they feel in their heart, but also when that person falls for example, and gets hurt, the same spot that hurts that person, hurts me too. I know it all sounds so crazy, but it's true, and I must confess, it scares the hell outta me sometimes.

So before you start calling me crazy, let me first tell you, I DON’T see or talk to dead people, I DON’T predict the future, and I DON’T do any weird things like those so called "psychics" do LOL! I’m just a normal (those of you who talk to me on Twitter every day know it lol) 21 year old girl, and the only thing I do, is use a pendulum sometimes, and I’m learning how to read the tarot cards for a while now. It’s not easy, cause every card has several meanings, and you have to look to the other cards on the deck, to know what its real meaning is. It can be very confusing sometimes, so you gotta pay attention, and concentrate.

You must be wondering what the hell this has to do with the hoax, right? Well, last week, I was bored as hell, and I decided to read the cards a little. I wanted to know about Michael’s life at the moment, about the hoax. Cause a lot of people believe he's gonna come back in July, others think it's gonna be this week, the 21st, others think he'll be back in September, and others don't think he's gonna come back, so I wanted to see how the actual situation is. I liked what the cards said, specially the first 3. So I’m only gonna write about those 3 I first pulled, and what they mean, cause I could keep writing till tomorrow, explaining the meaning of all the cards lol.

The Fool:
This was the first card I pulled. This card represents mystical cleverness, happiness, energy, optimism, innocence, blind faith, a fresh start, and wisdom among other things. The fool can also mean, that something new is about to happen, or that something is about to end. He’s the protagonist of a story. It can mean that a change is coming. Maybe an important choice. He has choices and opportunities, and he’s the only one that can decide the fate of his life. The white rose he's holding in his hand, represents purity and innocence. People who are represented by the fool, tend to be people hard to forget, unforgettable. That person can open your eyes, showing you a wider world that you ever dreamed possible. 

The Fool represents the beginning of all creativity and desire to accomplish goals. This is the card where anything can happen, and the opportunities are just waiting to be taken advantage of. The Fool is one who is the divine innocent. The Fool is always whole, healthy and without fear. He is the spirit of who we are, the spirit expressed and experienced as wonder, awe, curiosity and anticipation. He teaches us a lesson about making right choices. (S)he’s a dreamer. One who lives in their own world when it comes to the way they perceive things. He has desire to succeed. You will begin a new enterprise which will afford you the opportunity to work with or teach the public on a grander scale, and if you've been thinking about leaving your current job or taking a leave of absence, in time, you will. All your ideas will receive a serious shaking up as a result of your connection with this person. His lust for life is undeniable, accompanied by a hunger for knowledge and passion for ideas which are catching. Together you will discover the playful side of love, for this person loves to have fun and longs to make you laugh. He has a fresh outlook, childlike wonder, excitement and abandon. He is full of trust and faith as he sets out on his journey. Beginnings of any kind often involve a "leap of faith" and The Fool has the faith to believe that life is good and worthy of trust. 

Like you can see, some words are in bold. I’ve done that, cause those words remind me of Michael and the hoax. Like we all know, Michael is a very clever person. He represents innocence in certain aspects, we all have blind faith in him, he’s looking for a fresh start with this comeback, and he’s a very wise man. The hoax is only the beginning of Michael’s purpose. We might think that when he comes back, everything will end, but I think things will just start. He’ll have to explain everything to the world, the world will have to respond, think etc.

Michael is definitely the protagonist of this story, of the hoax. And change will come with his comeback. NOBODY will feel indifferent. Michael had to make important choices indeed, and he’s for sure the only one, who decides how the rules have to be played. Like we all know, Michael has a pure heart. One of the purest I’ve ever seen, if not the purest. And he's hard to forget for sure! Michael said in an interview, that he loves controversy. Controversy surrounded him all his life. As an artist, the more people talk about you, the more you’ll sell. 

Michael opened our eyes indeed. I can’t say in how many ways, just too many! Since the hoax started, we’ve learned so much. Things we’d probably never know, if not for him. Michael is creative as hell, and he definitely desires to accomplish his goals. A simple example: he wanted to make the most sold album in the world, and he did it. Anything can happen, when you’re Michael Jackson. Nothing’s impossible. He is the spirit of who we are. He represents us. We all have curiosity about him. A lot of us think Michael is like a wonder sent from God. He’s teaching us a lesson right now, a very important one. And he’ll teach a lesson, to those evil people, when he gets back. 

Michael has always been known for being a dreamer. He lived in his own world indeed, just look at the house he built for himself. Neverland... He is teaching the public in a greater scale. He’s teaching the entire world! 

Absence: Michael couldn’t do the hoax, without disappearing for a while of course. We are all very connected with Michael, and that’s why we can understand all this so good. Michael has a lot of knowledge indeed, and he’s got incredible ideas. Michael feels we are all the same, he always dreamed of a peaceful world, he wanted us to be together as one. He wants us to know what love could be all about, and he definitely loves to have fun! Childlike wonder: A lot of people say Michael is a child in a grown body. Trust and faith: I trust Michael, and I have a blind faith in him. In everything he did, does, and will do.

"The 3 Of Pentacles":

This was the next card I saw. This card stands for teamwork, negotiation, work with others, plans, high achievements, and rising above friends and opponents equally. This person can also be a subject of envy. It can also represent an improvement in a certain situation, a current situation. Achieving perfection, or artistic ability. It’s usually very fortunate in any divination concerning the beginning of a new project or the completion of it. It represents a person that's very focused, and determined. This card might appear when you're almost achieving your goal. It also says, we have to pay attention to the details, and that we have to carry on, and not give up after everything that's being accomplished so far. The end is near. You might go through some pain before reaching your goal, but the happiness generated by the success will outbalance all the suffering. 

An initial satisfaction is now being enjoyed and the project is well underway. The Three does not indicate the final completion of any project or venture but rather just the beginning. The message of the Three of Pentacles is encouragement. If you continue to work toward the fulfillment of your dreams and don’t allow disillusionment to bring down your enthusiasm, you'll experience prosperity and success in your goals.

Michael has always, and will always arise above everybody, and with the hoax, even more. Improvement inside the hoax. We don’t know what exactly is going on around Michael, but I think things are getting even better. We all know Michael is a perfectionist, and like in every aspect of his life, the hoax won’t be different. Maybe he won’t come back, til he feels we’ve seen and understood all the clues. He probably tells the people around him, what to do, how, and when, and it can’t be any other way. Like “The Fool”, this card also talks about beginning, or ending a project. 

No need to say, how determined and focused Michael can be. We DEFINITELY have to pay attention to all the little details. Every interview, picture, video, tweet of family members, movies, lyrics etc, they’re all a part of the hoax, and if we don’t pay attention, we won’t understand/see what we need to understand/see. A lot of beLIEvers are giving up lately cause of Jermaine’s tweets, and cause Michael didn’t come back when they thought he was gonna come back. DON’T give up now! We’re almost there, you just gotta have a little more patience. The expire date for bamsday is 2012, and 2012 is almost there as well. The end is NEAR! I don’t say that bamsday will be in 2012 tho, it can be much sooner, I’m just telling you to have patience, just in case he won't come back in July.

We’ve all been through pain during the hoax. The pain of Michael’s absence, the pain of people not believing us, the hopes and illusions of comeback dates, to then be disappointed, the way we’re being judged and called crazy by people, and the non-believers etc. No one said this was gonna be easy, but it think it was necessary. And let's not forget, it tears Michael's heart apart, when he sees his fans crying over him, and how he sees how hard it is for some beLIEvers to continue in this.

“The World”:                                                                                                                                                       
And the last card I’m gonna talk about. This one represents fulfillment, accomplishment, success, and wholeness. The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with The Fool. It is completeness. It is also being said that it represents cosmic consciousness, the potential of perfect union with the One Power of the universe. It tells us full happiness is also to give back to the world, sharing what we have learned or gained. This card represents what is truly desired. The laurel wreath is a victory symbol. The wands are the powers of involution and evolution

The planetary ruler is Saturn, the symbol of time. This card reinforces universal understanding and global awareness. If you want to build a new world, externally and internally, this is the card to use. The card of the World means fulfillment, the end of the journey, the final completion of the cycle of time. We have arrived and have accomplished our purpose. The Fool's journey is completed in the World, his wisdom and experience is now complete. This card unites all the forces of the world

There will be fulfillment of your desires. Success in your interests will be obtained. This rare time of culmination must be identified and honored. As the old cycle ends, inappropriate habits must be left behind. The World represents a period where you can see the entire process or system for what it is and you can understand your place in that larger picture. This card is about a deeper knowing about your impact within a certain environment and what feels 'right'. This card can also point to a strong feeling of unity and wholeness with the world or in a particular situation. This is where everything is starting to fall into place and you can be 'one' with the situation. It embodies the completion of a long, sometimes difficult journey

The World represents all elements coming together in order for us to receive the satisfaction and success for which we've been striving. The two batons in the female's hand are another symbol of balance. They've also been noted as sacred scrolls of knowledge.The project you've been working on will receieve the highest acclaim. The rehabilitation you've been going through will have a profound and healthy outcome.We are forever immortal, and our spirit only progresses into ever increasingly higher levels of transformation. We are all connected, we are all infinite. A smelling laurel is also a symbol of protection, peace and purification and is associated with the god Apollo. It is a message that the favor of the Gods is upon us, and that we shall be the victor in this stage of our lives.

Those first 4 words I bolded, describe Michael and the hoax perfectly. Michael is looking for completeness in his life. I think Michael is a very spiritual man, and he’s aware of the world, and everything surrounding it, more than us. He can look further, he can feel one with the universe. He has songs about it, and remember the memorial “we are one”. Michael understood it very well, we have to give back, to get back. We should share our love and knowledge with others, in order to help them. Michael always makes the “peace” sign, which also means “victory”. When Michael will get back, he’ll be the victor. He will have his justice, he’ll teach the world a lesson, and he should get the respect he deserves. 

The woman in the card, is holding 2 wands, one of them, representing evolution. This is an evolution as well. Time: That’s been very important in the hoax. Remember the white rabbit in "Alice in Wonderland", he never has time, he’s always looking to his watch. In Criss Angel’s beLIEve poster, there’s also a white rabbit, Paris wore a T-shirt, with a white rabbit on it. It took Michael a lot of time to plan the hoax, and we’ve gotta be patience, and wait for Michael to be ready to come back. He’s waiting for the right time as well. Michael always wanted the world to understand him, and with this, he hopes he’ll get some understanding. Michael talked in "This Is It" about awarness in the world. He definitely wants people to be awakened, and be aware of things. A new world, that’s what Michael dreams of. A world with peace, understanding, love, awareness etc. He’s the one that can change it. 

The fool has completed his journey, he’s ready to come back! He taught us his wisdom, and his experience in certain aspects of his life. Michael will be the one to unite everybody, to unite the world. The old cycle ends, so Michael should leave some habits behind. With that, I mean the things that made the media write those lies and horrible things about him. Almost 2 years, the journey is long indeed, and like I said before, not always easy. The hoax will receive the highest acclaim for sure. Michael is a superstar, an icon, he’s inmortal forever. “I’m alive, and I’m here forever” “Love lives forever” remember? Protection and peace: something Michael wants.

Here’s a painting of Michael made by David Nordahl


I think  this painting and "The World" card have similarities. Michael is holding a wand, just like the woman on the card. The wand means evolution, balance, and knowledge. He’s surrounded by nerhubs, angels. They're both half naked, and wrapped by some kind of ribbon. I know there are more similar meanings between these 2 pictures, but I can't remember them right now. What do you think? Don't you think there's also a symbolism here? If Michael took a look at the Bible, Numerology, and symbols about other religions and other things, don't you think he might have took a look at the Tarot deck as well? Just thoughts...

So, this was it. I hope you liked it. 
If you'd like to know more about the cards, you can go to these links, that's where I got all the information :) :

For any questions, comment below, or follow me on twitter, and/or add me on facebook, 
I’ll reply the same day ;-) 

Thank you for reading!

With love, 

~♥~Susie ~♥~